The 99% Invisible City is an architecture book that tells the unique and hidden history of all minor architectures of a city. Pakistan books store features it for online book shopping in Pakistan because it reveals all fascination behind the unnoticed world. If you like reading history books or travel books, you should read this book to explore the ordinary yet exceptional architecture design. Authors beautifully reveal and highlight the story behind all elements of a city that we never notice while passing down the streets. It gives a new perspective to see the world, and it glorifies even every minor thing without any effort. Therefore, you should consider it to buy bestselling books in Pakistan.
- The 99% Invisible City is based on a popular podcast hosted by Roman Mars and directed by Kurt Kohlstedt.
- These two authors show the aesthetic view of a regular city, through which we mostly pass down in our daily routine.
- They tell the possible hidden story about exotic architecture and city design that gives meaning to every element.
- From strange buildings to wall graffiti, each plays a giving the eccentricity yet beauty to an ordinary town.
- Each page fascinates the reader and makes him witness the hidden beauty of unique architecture.
- This Illustrated edition was published by Dey Street Books on October 6, 2020. is the reliable platform for the best book shopping in Pakistan. So, you can simply place your order here to buy this incredible book to read.