Revamping Tourism in Pakistan - Dream Vista Travel

Corona had never left the world but people have adapted to live with it. World Health Organization (WHO) issued a set of guidelines to be followed around the world.

The world has lost3,932,442 peopleto fight against this pandemic.

Pakistan also played its role very efficiently in competing with COVID-19. The first two waves have already passed and Pakistan’s role in these waves has been appreciable.

We developed standard operating procedures (SOPs) and made sure that everyone follows them.

Vaccination has started in Pakistan and up till now 2,815,454 people have been fully vaccinated in all over the country.

After the first wave was tackled proficiently, government started lifting prohibitions from several sectors among which restoration of national and international flights was one.

After a halt, tourism in Pakistan has emerged and this time people are more welcomed than ever. SOPs have been followed at all public spots.

Since, many countries haven’t lifted travel bans yet therefore Pakistanis have turned their faces towards the northern areas of Pakistan for vacations and travelling.

The keyfactor in tourism industry is accommodation.

To welcome and accommodate more people, new hotels have built in the north of Pakistan. This will certainly leave a positive influence on our hotel industry.

A healthy competition has started among the hotels which cause economic benefits to the country, ultimately.