Helpful Content about Google’s Helpful Content

Navigating Google’s most recent update and how your business can benefit

 #1 5 Tips to Help Navigate the Helpful Content Update

The SEO world has been having plenty of discussions about Google’s “helpful content update,” which the company informed the public about on August 18, 2022.

This update isn’t going to upend the way SEO agencies work.

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But my SEO agency and others still have to adjust to new guidelines and ensure our clients are on the same page. Here are five tips SEO agencies can leverage to navigate Google’s content update that I wrote on behalf of Forbes.

See The 5 Tips Here

#2 How All Organizations Can Adapt to the Helpful Content Update

SEO as a practice isn’t going anywhere, but this update means that organizations will have to plan and write their content more thoughtfully so that people can discover them online.

Whether you run a smoothie shop, a B2B software business, a nonprofit or any other type of organization, I break down how you can make sure you stay on the right side of this new guidance from Google and maximize the chances of your content being seen by your target audience in this article I wrote for Newsweek.

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Read More About the Update Here

#3 Reading Between the Lines of the Update

When I read between the lines of this update, a theory came to my mind – what’s behind Google’s content update is a desire to purge the web, reduce its need to crawl the web without sacrificing its crawl rates, and finally, decrease certain types of content.

In this article I wrote for Fast Company, I go into more detail on my initial thoughts of the Helpful Content update.

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Read Between the Lines Here

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