Can we believe in what travelers say about Pakistan? Are they accurate, fair and independent? | by Bernard Grua

Understand how works the window dressing of a potential world number one tourist destination

1.1. An exceptionally favorable environment for audience development

First line of foreign vloggers about Pakistan
Second like of foreign vloggers about Pakistan
Remarkable Pakistani vloggers

1.2 . Commercial and state support facilitating content creation

Jordan Taylor guest star du Vlog Summit 2019 à Islamabad
 Photos à Tawain, en Egypte et en Inde
Jordan Taylor guest star of Vlog Summit 2019 in Islamabad
Photos inTawain, in Egypt and in India

2.1. Censorship and overzealousness

Why Alex Reynold sincere speech is not accepted, while her blog is precious for all foreign travelers in Pakistan
Pakistan: Are Alex Reynolds & her travel blog « Lost With Purpose », fact based or reliable?
When travel vlog means sponsored advertising clip

2.2. Underground tensions contrary to international opening

3.1. Keep in mind that Pakistan is far from being unanimously evaluated as the first tourist destination in the world

Security in Pakistan according to French MFA

3.2. Don’t underestimate the complexity of the society your are visiting.

Last but not least, you came to this country to learn, not to compare. Don’t be a tourist. Act as a responsible traveller. Don’t come there to use the landscape and the people as a background for your personal stage. Look for the differences, try to identify what values they could bring you. Observe how people adapted to an environment so different than yours. Then, you will enjoy Pakistan, a country which could bring you a lot.

Youtube and Instagram accounts of influencers publicizing Pakistan (2020/03/04)

Youtube and Instagram accounts of influencers publicizing Pakistan (2020/03/04)
Youtube and Instagram accounts of influencers publicizing Pakistan (2020/03/04)

Facebook accounts and blogs of influencers publicizing Pakistan (2020/03/04)

Facebook accounts and blogs of influencers publicizing Pakistan (2020/03/04)
A legitimate reaction when Westeners speak in the name of Pakistan, in place of Pakistani professionals
A legitimate reaction when Westeners speak in the name of Pakistan, in place of Pakistani professionals

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