14 Pakistani Travel Bloggers on Instagram: Females & Males

Many Pakistani travel bloggers have set out on a mission to provide a positive image of their nation and encourage tourism by visiting some of the country’s most attractive locations. If you are a travel freak, you need to follow these top travel influencers in Pakistan in 2022. 

Travel Bloggers in Pakistan

For the best travel advice and photos, check out this list of Instagram users. If you love to travel, your wanderlust will be piqued by the experiences of these 14 local travel bloggers.

#Travel Bloggers in PakistanInstagram Followers
1Areesha Khan103K
2Mahvish Ahmad66.3K
3Amtul Baweja and Fahad Tariq Khan60.5K
4Feroza Gulzar48.7K
5Bilal Hassan38.8K
6Naveed Khan30.3K
7Anam Hakeem26.1K
8Huma Tariq21.8K
9Bilal Azam11.1K
10Shariq Raza5.5K
11Koumal Ahmed5.4K
12Gul Jabeen3.1K
13Farheen Qureshi2.4K
14Urooj Hussain1.9K

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Areesha Khan

Areesha Khan
Source: Instagram

Instagram followers: 103K

Instagram handle: @littlekhanswanderlust

Areesha Khan is also one of the top bloggers when it comes to providing incredible travel content. She has written numerous travel blogs, including one on how to travel in Europe on a budget.

She also recommended a few trip destinations for travelers, including Bali, Greece, Iceland, and Switzerland. The best travel tip suggested by her is the use of a hairdryer to iron one’s clothes as irons are usually not available in the budgeted hotels. 

Mahvish Ahmad

Mahvish Ahmad
Source: Instagram

Instagram followers: 66.3K

Instagram handle: @mahvish.ahmad

Mahvish Ahmad is a Lecturer-turned-blogger, a mama in boots, travels Europe with her toddler, battling the rain and catching trams while sipping hot coffee whenever she can. While living in Rotterdam, Mahvish misses her old home in the Swiss Alps, which is located in the Alps region of Switzerland. She is a firm believer in taking time to appreciate the little things in life, in loving without conditions, and in binging on biryani with no qualms. A true Pakistani at heart, Mahvish wants to unlearn what she’s been taught and pick up new ideas from Europe.

When it comes to traveling with kids, this mom of two has some sound advice for other moms. “Focus on everything that you CAN achieve with your children while on a holiday rather than everything you cannot.”

She also recommends putting the child’s needs above all else. For children, there are no travel hacks because their habits and preferences shift so quickly. Traveling with young children is a challenge, so it’s best to plan your days around their needs. Wait until they’re done eating before you continue. During a child’s nap, take a break. Whenever the kids wake up, leave the hotel early and return just before their bedtime. It’s sad but necessary.

Amtul Baweja and Fahad Tariq Khan

Amtul Baweja and Fahad Tariq Khan
Source: Instagram

Instagram followers: 60.5K

Instagram handle: @patangeer

Pakistan has never had a travel Instagram account like this one before. The concept of a Pakistani couple making the best travel videos isn’t unique to our generation, but it’s unique to Pakistan. Until now, they have been the only Pakistani couple to produce travel videos.

However, they insist they are “More than just a travel journal, for sure”. In addition to creating inspiring content, they also address and raise awareness of any issues that need to be addressed. They believe it is a duty to be authentic to followers while also educating, engaging, and informing them.

One of the big advantages of traveling together is that both of them share the same interests and have the same budget. They also advise other travelers on how much money to spend and how much to save.

Feroza Gulzar

Feroza Gulzar
Source: Instagram

Instagram followers: 48.7K

Instagram handle: @ferozagulzar

We are all obsessed with great photography and travel writing. Feroza Gulzar has blessed us by combining the two. She does an incredible job capturing Lahore, Quetta, Karachi, various regions of Sindh, Passu, and countless more locations. Every single one of her posts takes our breath away. She’s been using letters and pictures to tell short, incomplete stories about her travels to various locations. Her work uses word as an object with images and other stuff in boxes to investigate the potential of letters and its links with photography.

Bilal Hassan

Bilal Hassan
Source: Instagram

Instagram followers: 38.8K

Instagram handle: @mystapaki

Bilal Misti also runs a great blog called “Mystapaki.” He also had a high level of engagement on his Instagram feed, where he used to collect demographic data. His site, which was inspired by Humans of New York, tells the stories of many New Yorkers.

For him, Humans of New York is a source of inspiration (HONY). “I was definitely influenced by HONY’s narrative style. #touristsinkhi is a hashtag I’ve set up on my Facebook page for tourists in Karachi to share their experiences. I allowed them to write their own captions, in which they described their travels to Karachi and other parts of Pakistan.”

While many blogs are dedicated to exploring Pakistan’s limitless and fascinating north, Bilal Hassan’s Mystapaki takes us on a journey through Sindh. One of his favorite cities appears to be Karachi. He reminds us that beauty may be found in unexpected places and takes us to areas we’ve seen but haven’t fully explored.

He recommends getting to know the locals in the place you’re visiting in order to find hidden treasures that would otherwise be impossible to find.

Naveed Khan

Naveed Khan
Source: Instagram

Instagram followers: 30.3K

Instagram handle: @hunzaonfoot

Naveed Khan’s blogger bio boasts of his 5,100-kilometer trek through Pakistan, which includes unending stunning views of Pakistan’s snow-capped mountains, starry sky, huts, lakes, and the people he meets along the journey. He left his position as a BBC World News High-Risk Advisor in 2014 to start ‘Hunza On Foot,’ in the hopes that other travelers would share his goal to have true adventures in an ethical and sustainable manner. He has a pet dog named Athena that travels with him, which is a nice surprise every now and then!

Anam Hakeem

Anam Hakeem
Source: Instagram

Instagram followers: 26.1K

Instagram handle: @girlwithgreenpassport

Anam Hakeem’s blog makes our bodies tingle by her wanderlust that takes us to several magical places, including Karachi, Naran, Kalash, and even other countries. She is a one-of-a-kind female travel blogger who defies preconceptions and encourages women who desire to travel alone. The only way Anam has been able to travel for so long is because she has saved her money. As she suggests, “Separate savings the moment you get your paycheck, convert them to dollars, keep them away. Also, be ambitious, work smart, aim to earn better. Travelling is expensive, and currency fluctuations make it even more so.”

One travel hack she discovered is, “get a foldable water bottle. You’ll never have to buy expensive water at the airport.” 

The world can be intimidating for female solo travelers but Anam has shared some top tips for girls to convince their parents for an international trip. These include: 

  • Pick the perfect timing to ask
  • Pick a place you have relatives
  • Plan a trip around official purpose
  • Pick a shorter trip
  • Pick a Muslim country
  • Stay persistent 

She admits that taking photos on her own is difficult, but she frames the shot and then asks random passersby to take the picture. “Rest is the magic of editing. I’m a self-taught Lightroom user.”

Huma Tariq

Huma Tariq
Source: Instagram

Instagram followers: 21.8K

Instagram handle: @thenorthdrive

Huma Tariq has traveled to Northern areas of Pakistan a number of times. Because she prefers to travel on the spur of the moment, we can expect to see her driving across Pakistan at any time of year. On Huma Tariq’s travels, the blog focuses mostly on trips to Pakistan’s northern regions. This blog demonstrates that women can go hiking, skiing, or mountain climbing whenever they want. All they require is a little push and motivation.

The main thought behind her blog ‘The North Drive’ is to “encourage others like me, preferably women, to leave their comfort zone and have the courage to go out and have an adventure of a lifetime,”. She advises the young travelers who are traveling to the northern areas: “Layers, layers and more layers. A pre-workout before heading for a trek, also try having a warm beverage with you while trekking in the snow.”

Bilal Azam

Bilal Azam
Source: Instagram

Instagram followers: 11.1K

Instagram handle: @beingatraveler

Follow in the footsteps of Bilal Azam if you want to be a traveler yourself. He is a chemical engineer by profession. He started his Youtube channel in 2016, and since then, he’s been creating some unique series and blogs showing Pakistan’s beauty in ways you’ve never seen before. 

Exploration of Southern Pakistan, Trekking to Miranjani Peak, Hiking to Katora Lake, and Jahaz Banda, Naran, Swat, Kashmir, and Gilgit Baltistan are just a few of his well-known road trips. Bilal has also taped his Skardu trip for all the followers of motorcycle road trips.

Shariq Raza

Shariq Raza
Source: Instagram

Instagram followers: 5.5K

Instagram handle: @imshariqraza

Shariq Raza packed his belongings five years ago and decided not to be a regular man. Instead, he wanted to be free and take a tour of the world. He journeyed around the world, documenting his journeys because he believed there were thousands of undiscovered stories that needed to be heard. Everywhere he goes, he represents Pakistan. His videos are a must-see for anyone planning a trip to Pakistan.

Koumal Ahmed

Koumal Ahmed
Source: Instagram

Instagram followers: 5.4K

Instagram handle: @theunseenvoyage

Unlike other travel bloggers, Koumal is a yogi who loves to post photos of herself doing yoga poses while on the road. “In my life, traveling and practicing yoga are two of my greatest passions. When I travel, I like to do yoga, but my schedule is often so tight that I only manage to squeeze in a few poses for photos.” She enjoys taking pictures of herself in scenic locations while doing yoga. 

On the rare occasions when she travels solo, she already has a plan in place, so she doesn’t have to worry about taking photos on her own. She suggests having enough knowledge of the type of trip, place, and pack stuff accordingly. 

Gul Jabeen

Gul Jabeen
Source: Instagram

Instagram followers: 3.1K

Instagram handle: @travelwithgul

Gul Jabeen is a data scientist who also runs the ‘Travel with Gul’ travel blog. She loves to capture moments and everyone of her visually appealing instagram photos has a backstory. She recommends her followers to always pack less for any travel as only 5% of the luggage will be utilized. 

She motivates her followers to plan a budgeted trip which is of course possible by following these steps:

  • Only eat the most popular dish in the country you are visiting; avoid overspending on meals.
  • Buy edibles from supermarkets, which will save you a lot of money.
  • Plan your trip at least two months before.
  • Keep a strict budget and set aside money each month if you want to become an avid traveler.

Farheen Qureshi

Farheen Qureshi
Source: Instagram

Instagram followers: 2.4K

Instagram handle: @talesfromacrosstheborder

Farheen’s Instagram feed is a joy. However, a great deal of thought and preparation goes into it. “I try to capture the essence of the activities on my itinerary and in my mood board before traveling to a new place, and then I swear by Lightroom.”

She suggests rolling clothes like a burrito to have enough luggage space and without going overweight. Farheen also has some solid advice for those who want to start an Instagram travel blog: “Develop a thick skin because people will be mean to you. Your passion is the only thing that matters, so don’t worry about what others think.”

Urooj Hussain

Urooj Hussain
Source: Instagram

Instagram followers: 1.9K

Instagram handle: @threedayweekend.life

Urooj Hussain runs the fantastic blog ‘Three Day Weekend’. She works as an e-commerce strategist and is a traveler at heart. She launched her blog in 2014, claiming to have discovered her true calling in life, and she has been traveling and balancing her career with her passion ever since to obtain the best of both worlds.

Urooj believes that as a solo female traveler, don’t be afraid to go out and discover new things. Many people believe that traveling alone is dangerous, but this is only true if we don’t take the necessary precautions to keep ourselves safe. One has to be aware of the potential scams in the area of visit and a well-working network to reach out to friends and family. 

Let’s Follow to Experience their Adventure!

Each of these Pakistani travel bloggers has something unique to say. They have made it possible for people to witness a variety of fresh aspects of Pakistan. Their blogs assist visitors in determining where to travel in Pakistan and throughout the world. You will be astounded to see how much effort they put into their content to make it valuable after you start reading their travel blogs.